Die Toten Hosen – live in Düsseldorf

On friday night I went to part one of the tour final one of my all-time favourite bands, Die Toten Hosen. It was an absolute great concert. Pictures are mainly not mine and link to the respective pages, where I took them from, because my mobile was not the best choice for pictures.Thomas-Kruesselmann-gesehen-auf-www.dietotenhosen.deI went with my friend Tine who had been with me on our first concert in 1998 too and for the first time I wore a fan t-shirt. My friends got me one after our first concert and Continue reading

Parks in Düsseldorf – Nordpark

On Saturday I went to the park with a friend and her little son where we lay in the shade on my huge picknick blanket (finally it gets used a bit more often). As I’m still trying to see more parks in Düsseldorf, we opted for the Nordpark where I had only been once before. Nordpark-pont Continue reading

What to do in July in Dusseldorf

Saturday was a very unusual day for us. Normally Michael has to work on the weekends especially when it is sunny. But this Saturday he only had to work in the evening and so we did something we hardly ever do: we went shopping. I’m usually not a big fan of weekend shopping. The city center is packed with people but this Saturday it was fun. We didn’t need anything so when a shop was packed and you would have to cue to try something on we just didn’t. Dusseldorf_UerigeIn the end we ended up near the Rhine having a glass of Uerige, one of Dusseldorf’s Altbiers, a special brew of beer. The Uerige brewery is situated close to the Rhine and Continue reading

Parks in Düsseldorf – Volksgarten

After having written an article about Darmstadt’s parks I realised I had not even been to most of the parks in Düsseldorf. So I made a list, well a month ago, where I wanted to go. Then I was either busy or it rained or like Saturday I fell asleep on the sofa instead of getting to know new parks. But on Sunday I finally did it.Suedpark-rose-gardenAfter dropping Michael off at work I went to the park know as the “Volksgarten” the “people’s garden”.Later that day I learned the only about a third of the actual park is called “Volksgarten” and the whole area is refered to as “Südpark”, the “South park”. Continue reading

Dusseldorf’s Night of the Museums 2013

I’ve been living in Dusseldorf since 2008 but never made it to the Dusseldorf’s Night of the Museums. I didn’t even go to many museums here at all. So yesterday I decided to finally join the fun. I wanted to see as much as possible. We went with a group and had laid out a big plan on what to see in which order but obviously we did get so see everything and got seperated along the way too. It was still good fun and I’m now motivated to go and see more museums in Dusseldorf in the future.

K21-Duesseldorf-Staendehaus Continue reading

Bridge Run Dusseldorf

I usually complain when I have spend another sunday on the couch especially when the weather is good. This and a bit of group pressure made me join the group from my gym who joined Dusseldorf’s bridge run yesterday. It was only 5km, crossing the Rhine twice but I hardly ever go jogging. Preparing for the runWe all got a t-shirt from our gym, Mrs. Sporty, being a women’s only gym it was of course pink. But hey, first of all that clashed perfectly with the free towel we got which was orange and meant we never lost sight of each other. Continue reading